February Fourteenth: A Fabulously Flamboyant Affair!


Think ten years back, how many of us can remember the very sixth week in our new year? Do you remember what you did; do you remember what you wore? I won’t even think to ask if you remember what you got, because well let’s be honest.

Every Valentine gift has one, if not a few fabulous or fallible stories! Let’s circle back to my questions; I checked your Instagram – and well they have no recollection of that year or even that day! So my follow up question to you is; if we haven’t caught it on Instagram, did it even exist? (*Insert horrified emoji face here*)

I think it did – I think you broadcasted your love in the most lo-fi of ways! I think that those were the days you connected in the most natural forms; through communication fueled by the fundamental organ that overflows you with emotions. I’m sure you’ve caught my flow, and now know we’re about commence an ode to one vicarious Valentines Day! To the beautiful day, you looked over and you knew – you knew that you’ve found the living mirror of your mind, your heart and your soul. I’m not talking about that affirmation coming through the contents of a box; but instead of the underlying thought, consideration, kindness and love – the process of which they bought the little gift box. I for one knew I found my match through a matchbox; but I’m going to get to that in a bit.

Connection… If a year amidst a pandemic has taught us or reminded us of anything; it’s that human connection is essential to our existence. The world has been taken by love through contactless life, and relied to recognize what things are with the utmost of consideration through a pair of lovely listening ears and subtly sparkling eyes! While so much of the life we knew now rests near St. Valentine (Oh yes, he’s the Saint in who’s name we celebrate), there’s so much we’ve been gifted too. A love from a distance, hearts that have grown fonder, the present of our presence, and our redirected souls that now know the gratification of gifting in guidance.

Before we get to the perfectly warped worlds involving gift-wraps; I hope that the heightened love that surrounded you in a chapter that closed our decade; chants on through your days far beyond Valentines Day. Be it a Valentine with the sun to your moon, or a Galentine with the gang that’s got you; this day couldn’t have fallen at a more fitting time! We’re all in dire need of a little pick me up, so tell me what does that look like for you?

May I gift you a gracious way for your perfect day! As the biggest gestures are highly appreciated and will never go unnoticed (I mean, would you be crying at the bare sight of a big red bow on a boat with a Birkin just to boot?) (*little prayer hands and red heart emoji placed here*) Truthfully, the thought of that fills my heart with the sweet delight of all the Louis Vuitton chocolate in the world – it takes me back in time to the first year that my husband I were engaged! Remember how I found my match through a matchbox – okay let me explain. Exchanging our gifts on that Valentines Day was to date my far best memory. In the growing hearts we were tending to in one another, the day my Husband gave me my dream car in a confined cute little box; he filled my world with all the colored confetti! As my eyes looked up at him enchanted and confused; he looked at me and said “I listen”.. Those two words, and I was at a loss; because in every certified way the contents of that box communicated that he did in fact give me my dream in the way that he could have then. He gifted me another beautiful gesture that day and said until we can buy you your dream sports car; we’re going to portray this petite little Porsche as a guide in achieving our dreams.

And now to the process of making this experience exceptionally personal – I have one suggestion; proceed with love! It can be so easy to feel overwhelmed and perplexed when purchasing the perfect gift! First of all, toss that word out – for you and only you know the standard of what that perfection entails. It could be anything, from a card, a cardholder, a car or hey even a shoe! This gift is but a token; a reminder of “love lives here, and it’s only me and there’s only you!”. From my years in playing a part to the perfected gifts purchased; I’ve seen that the personal touch is what makes every gift feel like it’s over the top. Find what works for you; what’s your budget, what do they love, what do they need, who are they? I for one wouldn’t mind a new “Juste Un Clou from Cartier” (If my Husband misses this, I hope my kids will hint him in with my clue) -- that’s me and my wishful thinking! Writing this now and gleaming with glee; it’s these perfected wistful moments that make me feel like no gift can match the gift of love.

What works for one, may not work for the other; and so in the days and hours you spend in creating the beautiful day; keep it simple, keep it real, and keep it personal.

Put on the deepest shades of red, dine in finest way you desire, and do it all in the name of love! This year Cupid shoots his sanitized arrows; reminding you we’ve cleansed our lives and love is everything we know is pure! A commercialized holiday; perhaps it is – but the significance it holds is what we should be celebrating each and everyday!  May your love affair, be one you always remember.

May the Fourteenth of February forever follow you. Happy Valentines Day!


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